Chris Humberstone has over 30 years of experience in the B2B specialty ingredient industry and founded Humberstone International Inc (HII) in 2008. ( HII specializes in helping personal care and nutritional ingredient businesses maneuver the intricacies of global challenges. For example HII helps small and mid-sized ingredient companies expand globally and develop new international strategies. HII helps private equity and other investors to understand the risks and opportunities in specific geographies and markets and helps them evaluate individual ingredient companies. Clients include ingredient manufacturers in Brazil, Switzerland and India and private equity in Switzerland, England and the US. Prior to HII, Chris had leadership roles with global ingredient companies, including multinationals, family and private equity sponsored companies, has lived in England, the US, Mexico and Brazil, and led marketing and technical teams globally. He has also led acquisition and integration teams. Chris is a Chemist from the University of Manchester in England.